
2021’s Best Music Podcast as chosen by Bullhorn.fm

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About us
and the show

Like most millennial podcast hosts, we met at work. We often got in trouble for talking to each other so we did the next logical thing and decided to channel that energy into some productive talking and start a podcast. But what do we talk about?

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Clear evidence you don’t need a “Y” chromosome to make a killer podcast about rock ‘n roll.

— welldisguised (via Podchaser)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Leah and Bethanne have a great dynamic, such that I think I could listen to them talk about almost anything. But hearing them banter about one of my favorite subjects, Rock History, makes the show the new highlight of my week!

— Jon (via Apple Podcasts)

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